How Do Hormones Affect Your Hair?

How Do Hormones Affect Your Hair?

First things first, what is hormonal hair?

“Hormonal hair is what I use to describe a change in hair both on your head and/or on your body, that has been caused through a number of factors, including: hormonal imbalance caused by pregnancy, the pill, or ageing, a result of medical issues like emotional stress and mental health trauma, food and diet, fatigue, Covid-19 and many other issues. While I have lots of women in salon who experience this, it's important to note that hormonal hair changes are not isolated to any specific gender. It affects everyone, including men, women, and non-binary people.”

Help! My hair is falling out—is it hormonal hair?!

“Hormonal hair changes can be triggered by a number of physical, medical and emotional traumas. Ask yourself: have you had a big life change recently? Heartbreak, diet, drug and alcohol abuse, medications, extreme exercise, stress, fatigue... the list goes on—all of these things can cause hair loss or other hair changes.” 

What symptoms should I look out for?

“Everyone is different but usually the first sign is that your hair starts to look a little lacklustre. Other signs to look for are:

  • Changes in hair texture: hair may become dry, brittle, more prone to breakage, or it may become oily
  • Increased hair loss: shedding or thinning of hair 
  • Changes in hair growth patterns: hair will grow more slowly or more rapidly than usual 
  • Scalp conditions: dandruff, itchiness, or inflammation 
  • Changes in hair colour: premature greying or darkening

I’m going off the pill, what hair changes can I expect?

“I am not a medical expert, and I trust you to consult a doctor, but from my own almost two decades worth of industry experience, I have seen the following reactions from women who stop taking contraceptive control medication:

  • Hair loss
  • Higher oil secretion to the scalp
  • A change in lustre and shine
  • Changes in hair density or hair volume  

Not everyone will experience all or any of these reactions, so it’s important to consult your GP on your individual experience.” 

What can I do about it?

“I would immediately book an appointment with a medical or health practitioner that feels right for you. That could be your GP, an integrative doctor, a naturopath, or an expert in the field of Chinese medicine. Lastly, don’t stress! Emotional stress and fatigue will only heighten the problem. Rest assured there is amazing support available and you can change the direction of your hair.” 

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